Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh....the rain..

well, it was a rainy and pretty boring day. although, the kids have had a horrible case of the giggles over the last few days. we have been trying to do some laundry and house cleaning...get the house in some kind of order before soccer and football and back to school starts. (can u believe it's almost august already) I have also been trying to work on some photography stuff. I need to put a website together and do some advertising this year, in stead of just going by word of mouth. I should really be doing more with the photography. there is so much to do....school supplies....soccer registration....football equipment....getting up early in the morning (i HATE waking up early in the morning) yes, i know, i have 5 kids. 5 kids who have been thoroughly trained in the art of cereal pouring, oatmeal cooking and i even have a few who know how to cook eggs. Most of the time they even put their dishes in the dishwasher when they are done. Boy, I really don't like mornings...lol
Maybe I am just feeling old...I do have on starting High School this year. (maybe I AM old) LOL

Well, this 33 year OLD WOMAN is going to bed! See you next time...



Anonymous said...

Hey, found it. Your step daughter figured out the pic w/o any clues. I'll save to my favs and keep an eye on it. Well c-ya next week.

Crazymamaof6 said...

i am a fan of training kids self reliance. and what teaches self reliance more than a mom sleeping in while they feed themselves and each other! and my kids even get the baby out of bed and watch him. gotta love that.