Saturday, July 28, 2007

Finished The Book....Now What????

Okay....someone needs to ask J.K. Rowling what the _____ are we supposed to do now???? Maybe those of you who have a life know, but I sure as heck don't. I feel like someone in my family has passed on and maybe I should be wearing black for the next year or so! I guess I can wait with bated breath for the last two movies!! Wait!!! I do see light at the end of the tunnel!!! Woo Hooo!
Now don't panic, I am not that obsessed with it, I am just deep and emotional.....ROTFL! I have felt this way when my son's football season was over......when my daughters soccer season was over.....and when my last baby went to kindergarten! :-( What do I do now? Defining one's self is a difficult task and as you can see from my music tastes and styles, even though it seems like Cybil put that list together (check play list at bottom and turn on speakers), I am not sure if I want to define myself. I like that fact that I can listen to classical and reggae and rap. The only thing I have wondered though.....does that mean that I am only scratching the surface? The surface of music...the surface of anything and everything in my life.....the surface of me? Sometimes I feel like some of these little things are very intertwined. The way I am with my music is sorta the way I have been with most things in my life and I really don't know if I care or not. I like not coloring in the lines, I like to be different, but yet sometimes trying to be different makes me the same. I guess that's the trick.....not to be worried about being different or the same or in a "category".
Just be yourself, love yourself for yourself. You can't give something you don't have! So fill yourselves up ladies with something real, something good (and NO I am not talking about chocolate...that's a whole post in and of itself). Till we meet again....LOVE!


LayDdee said...

Love the song on your site. Is that you singing? Awesome. Your funny and what I can tell from your site you have good taste. Check me out Tell me what you think.

Crazymamaof6 said...

ok but she wrapped it up so well! and the movies will be here someday so we have that to prolong the wonder.

i am never sad when the sports season is over, you are amazing! and way to go on adding the playlist! it is almost my favorite part about blogging, listening to songs i love. it's all about your faves, who cares what everyone else thinks. i listen to mine and open a new window so i can do other stuff.and still hear it. i like your list too! have a great day!

Lisa said...

I always feel sad when I finish a good book. Especially when you rush to get through it cause you can't put it down and then you're done and you're mad that you read it so fast instead of savoring it. I even sometimes go back and read the good parts again if I don't another book waiting :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs. Keep on being yourself. That's my favorite part of you!!!