Monday, July 9, 2007

Well, I am back already. It's 12:42am, yes I am still awake, and I have not been able to stop thinking about blogging. I think I should have read the label before I started...someone should have told Addictions run in my family, you know! I just hope that I haven't traded my recently kicked Diet Coke habit for a new, carpel tunnel syndrome inducing habit. I guess we all have our vices. It's just hard being on of those people who needs to try them all :-) So my command post is as comfortable as ever despite a minor avalanche earlier in the day when I was unloading some pics on to my computer. The fallen solders include a few bottles of nail polish (closed of course...I would never leave those open.....), a tube of toothpaste in a Ziploc baggie and some misc. papers and hair bands. I know what you are thinking and yes, I have a large purse and I would probably win those little contests that they do at parties and showers. You know the one's where they say..."do you have ________ item in your purse?" And when I carry a small purse, I always bring a tote bag.
I guess that maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am the mother of 5 children (6 when my step-daughter is here). I had those 5 children in a seven year time span (I like a little chaos) and I even had some of those children before marriage (yes, I am a rebel) I wouldn't trade anything, anyone or any experience I have had for anything,including the dream house I wish I could win from Extreme Home Makeover, the 300 Million Dollar power ball I wish I could win...if I ever played, a car that never broke and the perfect "everything" that I used to wish for when I didn't know how much trials and tribulation make you a better person.
My children and I live with a wonderful man that they call dad and i call husband.
On that note...I am off to bed....I will see you next time.


Lisa said...

I'm new to blogging as well, but I'm already addicted. I took a quiz on just how addicted I am and it said 70%. Do they have support groups for this yet? Loved your post and look forward to more.

Rachel Anne said...

Welcome to blogland! Now everything that happens to you will be put to the "Is This Blogworthy?" test. Have fun, and I look forward to more!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Yes, it is addictive...I find myself editing blogs in my head all day :)