Saturday, September 1, 2007


Okay....maybe I had a little bit of caffeine, but it wasn't Diet was sweet tea....from Chick-Fil-A. Doesn't that make it okay? I am going to have a loooooooooooooooooooooooong day tomorrow. my 12 year old has a soccer tournament this weekend, 2 games on Sat. and 2 games on Sun. All 4 games are about 1-1.5 hours away and we have to be there @ 815am in the morning. I still need to pack lunches/fill water jugs/shower/charge camera batteries (they are dead from son's football) and then sleep a little before driving. Oh, darn, i just remembered that I need to get gas as well.....GREAT!!!
Other than that, everything is good. The children survived the 1st week of school. my 7 year old fell off of his bike and busted his lip and the meat of his gum and lip inside his mouth, it's really nasty looking.....maybe i can take a picture of it....hmmmm....
thank god he was wearing his could have been worse.
Well, i better go and make some sandwiches before bed time. I hope you have a great weekend....

Command Post......Out!