Friday, August 24, 2007

My Best Good Friend

There is so much that I can say about my best good friend, but first, I would say that I miss her due to a recent move out of state. I met her when I was pregnant with my now 8.5 year old son. I never thought at the time that I would meet someone who was as bold as me, as mouthy (probably more mouthy than me), who had a large Bi-racial family like me, who was an anti-neat-freak like me, who had seen hard times, suffered loses like me and shared in a love for our FUNCTIONALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL families. So many of what we thought were negatives in our lives were kinda what drew us to each other. We didn't have to explain so many things to one another and the more time that went by the more we had fun. We have often compared ourselves to cartoon characters like Sponge Bob and Patrick. Then one day.......we realized.....that we were like PEAS & CARROTS! LOL My best good friend.....JENNY (yes, i know......that makes me Forrest, but wasn't Forrest smarter than Jenny?) LOL!!!! What will I ever do!! Who is going to make midnight trips to Wal Mart with me? Those spur of the moment Costco trips? And worst of all, who will get the absolutely, uncontrollably, tears down your face, pain in your cheeks and wind through your teeth giggles with me at the most emotional part of a quiet movie b/c someone is moaning in the back of the theater in a most er....sexual manner? Have you ever laughed until you thought you would pee yourself? Did you every actually pee yourself? Who did you laugh with? Does everyone out there have that 1 best good friend? Do we only get one and if no, where do I find another? I have felt such a loss since my best good friend, Jenny, has left. I know she is only out of state, but when you are a busy mom, it's not the holidays and birthday parties and events that make your friends so memorable. It's the everyday phone calls and knowing that they are right down the street if you need them for anything. it's all the small things.

I will miss you dearly and have felt the hole in my life already! I consider you family (yes, that means i want Christmas gifts and birthday money) For everyone else out, feel free to leave a comment about your best good friends. i would love to hear your stories!




Anonymous said...

My best good friend Forrest - I cannot put into words how much i miss you and all of our adventures. Driving with the hazards on, calling each other during the 11 o'clock news to discuss the very hysterical Merlin dialect, the tears that have been shed on your shoulder and most importantly the years of laughter that we have shared. You will always and forever be my Best Good Friend. No matter where i am. I also feel a hole inside. Like something is missing. That's when it's the hardest. Your my sister. Maybe not by blood but by spirit. Peas & Carrots. That's what we are.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Oh that is just so darn sweet. I can't believe you found another mom awake late enough to go to WalMart at midnight - yes, you two were meant for each other.

My closest friend lives in NC - she and I share a special bond that can never be replaced or found just can't. You can't explain it. I have AWESOME friends here, but she is a one of a kind...ya know?

smithfam said...

What a fun post! It is such a blessing to find such a close friend. Love the Gump comparisons, so cute!

Lisa said...

That was just the right amount of sweet and funny. My best good friend is my sister even though we are complete opposites. We went from hating each other to 2 peas in a crazy pod, but we respect and admire each other so we have a great time together. I'm sure you'll both meet a new best good friend that fits into your life and fills the holes left behind.

Crazymamaof6 said...

i have had a couple best good friends, and there is nothing better than someone to enjoy late night walmart trips with, it makes you want to interview when you meet someone,
" hi, so where do you like to shop? and what time of day do you go?" and bingo, instant friend. when you find a match you gotta love it! . mine lived across the street, and then moved, now we are only a couple miles away but it is just not as easy as peaking out the window to see she is home and call and say, "i saw your light on, wanna hit walmart?"