Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm Back....

Although I am not really sure where I have been! LOL! I have been busy with the kids getting ready for school and my oldest started football practice this week. He is on the Junior Varsity Football Team and is starting 9th grade this year. I have been to one baby shower, approached to photograph one wedding, have another child who has been asked to participate in a "travel" soccer team (higher level of play...and cost......and commitment), been working out a carpool schedule with 12 year old daughters travel soccer team, preparing for yet another long visit from my father, had one son with swimmers ear (doctors, money, prescription), trying to figure out how to pay for it all and just to put the icing on the cake.....found out my suspicions were true re: my blood's high.....and they put me on these water pills. That meant, though, that I had to go to the doctor and take the walk of shame to the scale! Oh yeah, just an FYI.....while my siblings chose to take the path of chemical addictions (alcoholics...both of them.....runs in the family....along with many other lovely things.....let's just put it this way...if we were dogs, we would definitely be spayed and, I inadvertently swapped one addiction for another. Drugs/Alcohol....exchanged for.....FOOD. Yes, I am overweight. It wasn't until about 4 years ago I realized that I had 1. gained so much weight 2. realized that i had changed one addiction into another. In those last 4 years, however, I really haven't done too much about it and I really don't know why. I know what the advice is.....what would be right and good...but I just haven't done it. It makes me think of that bible verse that says..."what i should do, i don't do, what i don't want to do, i do even though i know i shouldn't"
that pretty much defines where i feel like i am at. I had hesitated going to the doctors b/c I didn't want them to tell me to get surgery. I feel like surgery would be the easy way out (for me..not for everyone). I really think that the only way to conquer something like this is to do it the hard/right way. You have to change what you do/think/feel in regards to food. I think that maybe I have been down b/c i tend to see the Forrest, not the tree and I have really been trying to work on that. It will be a good change for me and, i think, everyone around me.
Needless to say, I have been busy. If not physically, mentally. I think when the kids return to school I will have some much needed time to work on some things for myself.
Well, that's enough dumping for tonight....hopefully I will have more time to blog and browse.


Mary@notbefore7 said...

Totally praying for you in this area. YOu have been such a great person to get to know. You are so honest! Keep on going girl! Take some time for you this fall and work through your thoughts.

smithfam said...

You Rock!! I loved your post and thanks for commenting on mine! I seriously get SO excited when I see a new comment. I hear ya on the busy scheules. I have 2 doing football. That is 9 practices back and forth all week. I was telling my husband about all of the crap I did
today..registrationsx2 practices, store etc etc and he said"sounds like a normal mom day to me":( MMMMM! wrong answer buddy! I am sure yours is worse. Hang in there. I think things will get better once we have our little darlings gone most of the day. I feel like I have been turning to the bags of M&Ms in my moments of stress. Take care!